Tuesday, October 4, 2016

MVCC's Information Technology Plan

The Information Technology Council at MVCC was charged with developing a three-year rolling Information Technology Plan in order for the College to provide students, faculty, and staff with up-to-date, reliable computer- and telecommunication-based resources for effective instruction, as well as the management and reporting of data related to student service, administrative, and financial transactions.

The Plan demonstrates MVCC's commitment to long-term planning dealing with a wide range of technologies. It is important to keep MVCC moving nimbly into the future, offering students the state-of-the-art technology and information systems that are key to their education. While the plan is still considered a "draft," the Hawk Vision Council is posting it here for your input. What do you think about this plan? Do you think it will help move MVCC in the right direction now and in the future? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Draft of the MVCC Information Technology Strategic Plan


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